
Filthy McNasty retires

Lifted from 'Puck This':

Bruce Dowbiggin of the Calgary Herald lists his all-time favorite memories of the gap-toothed bully from the Flon:
  1. Brought convicted felon and union crook Alan Eagleson into his team's dressing room AFTER Eagleson got out of jail.
  2. As NHLPA president, he depressed salaries for his union brothers by secretly taking benefits on the side, thereby reducing his contract number.
  3. Blamed Roger Neilson for getting cancer. Blamed Eric Lindros for having a collapsed lung.
  4. Named Lindros Olympic team captain in 1998 while he also had Wayne Gretzky, Steve Yzerman and Ray Bourque on the team.
  5. Thought Chris Gratton was the next Mark Messier and signed him to a five-year, $16.5-million deal.
- My personal favourites:

1. Won the 1972 Super series for us by taking out Valeri Kharlamov with a two-handed slash to the ankle.

2. After making a ridiculous trade FOR Chris Gratton - including a massive signing bonus/contract, he eventually returned Gratton back to the Bolts, costing the team both cash and picks.

3. Traded a 1st, 2nd and 3rd rnd picks to the Capitals for a totally over-the-hill Adam Oates - in Mar - Oates would be out of Philly by the end of July. Three picks for one busted up player.

4. Signed Derian Hatcher and Mike Rathje to ridiculous contracts. Cuz you simply can't overpay for good pylons in the new NHL.

5. Created the Revolving Goaltender Carousel From Hell. Victims notably include; Roman Cechmanek, Brian 'Waterboy' Boucher, a shot Hextall, Sean Burke, Robert Esche, and many others.

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