

Hey all,

No guarantees on accuracy, but my best effort at including prospects in the baseline yields the following. The Dogs still win the Omnivore, and a few teams take a big hit. On the old measure, only 2 teams were in the negative, whereas this method splits the pool down the middle around the zero mark (which makes sense, since for the most part, teams should improve at the expense of others via trades and such) - a point that argues in favour of the new method in my mind. Some notable changes: Shadowmen rank 4th (prev 9th), Great Whites rank 8th (prev 4th), Highlanders rank 9th (prev 5th), and the top and bottom 3 stay roughly the same. Presumably this means teams whose rank dropped had decent prospects that changed the Omni baseline (eg Zetterberg, Crosby).



Omnivore (revised)

Team ***************Baseline/Rank ******** Final/Rank*******Diff./Rank
776 12 899 8 123 1
Personal Vendetta 1017 2 1072 2 55 2
842 11 883 11 41 3
Shadowmen 863 10 889 10 26 4
Bladerunners 1071 1 1082 1 11 5
Ramapithicines 896 8 905 7 9 6
Barbarians 892 9 891 9 0 7
Great Whites 942 6 928 4 -14 8
Highlanders 942 5 918 6 -24 9
Severed Heads 971 4 947 3 -24 10
Knights Templar 932 7 881 12 -52 11
1005 3 926 5 -78 12

1 comment:

  1. Three things stand out from your list;

    1. Bill definitely deserved the Omnivore.

    2. The Wolves need to look closely at their coaching staff.

    3. The collapse of the Knights Templar, though reflected in the 2nd lowest Omnivore score, doesn't really give you the full flavour of the teams rapid descent from contender to Herbivore. It would be interesting to know whether his score was actually positive prior to the Fall of the Temple.


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