
The Wolves - Offseason Review

The Wolves:

L: Modin-Cbs RFA, Hartnell-Nsh RFA, Calder-Pha P2

Rating: 2.5

I see Modin on a steady path towards permanent grinder role. It may not be this year, but I think the signs are inevitable. Hartnell is a meat-potatoes winger with heart. Combo his PIM and scoring and he's a decent 2nd liner. Calder is a slightly older version of Hatnell, but his presence in Philly gives reason to think the might post better numbers with the higher quality of line mates. All in all, a #3, and two decent #2's.

C: Horcoff-Edm RFA, Arnason-Col RFA, Brule-Cbs P2, Kopitar-LA P2, Wheeler-Phx P2

Rating: 2.5

First, I'll admit my bias - I hate both Horcoff and Arnason as picks. In Horcoff's case, I simply am not convinced he has the pkg to be a 1st line centre, despite his ppg stats. He reminds me of Dave Gagne - another pivot who unexptedly had ppg stats for a couple of years. A career minor leaguer/fringe forward prior to a year ago, I just don't believe him. Arnason is actually worse, having not only bombed out of Chicago, but failed to impress despite generous opportunity in Ottawa where he wore out his welcome fast. As a GM I think of both players as poison, Horcoff because I have no faith in him despite production, and Arnason because he is a player with clear talent who yet seems content to show up to training camp flabby every year. The next three may not see much roster time, but all have terrific potential, and the first two make me drool. Brule may have all the pieces of the puzzle to be a dynamite 1st or 2nd line scoring centre. His fear level is somewhere between Matt Murdoch and Guy Gardner, and he will hit absolutely anything. Kopitar is a classic skill pivot with a long frame, wheels, stickhandling, and vision. Of the two, Kopitar may have the higher ceiling because of his shot (personally having seen Brule play, I adore his game - whenever you want to move him Rob, call me. I gotcha). Wheeler is the project, but he's an absolutely monstrous pkg for a skill player at 6'5" and over 230. Of the three Wheeler is probably furthest off (hockey sense - which will be the determining question with him), but both Brule or Kopitar could begin to dominate soon.

R: Iginla-Cgy FP, Cheechoo-SJ RFA, Vyborny-Cbs RFA, Kobasew-Cgy P2

Rating: 5

Everybody and his dog new that Iggy needed a playmate to produce god-like numbers with regularity - and now he has one. I expect his numbers to rise back to the Richard level of a couple years back. Cheechoo had 56 goals last year. Not bad for your no 2 RW, eh? Vyborny is scarey except as a 4th liner, but Kobasew will be the beneficiary of increased confidence and ice-time - and that makes him an easy call ahead of Vyborny. Arguably the best RW in the league.

D: S.Niedermayer-Ana FP, Corvo-Ott RFA, Niinimaa-Dal RFA, Salo-Vcr RFA, Colaiacovo-Tor P3, Suter-Nsh P2, Phaneuf-Cgy P2

Rating: 4.5

Niedermayer has the chains come off permanently, and is poised to take another run at the Norris. Phaneuf is one of Niedermayer's obstacles to that goal, and may already be while just in his sophmore year one of the two most complete defensemen in the game (Pronger being the other). Yes, he's that freakin good. Corvo surprised with an unexpectedly astute offensive game last year, and is a solid top 4. Niinimaa is now long in the tooth, and increasingly bizzare in his behaviour, but should stay afloat long enough to hit the WD. Salo may actually see an increase in his pp time with Jovo-cop's departure, and creep into the Wolves top 4 (which already looks solid). Colaiacovo and Suter can be left on the farm to await their breaking out, but both represent potential options to dress for the team if they are contributing numbers after the 20 game mark that teams use for the cut off on rooks.

G: Esche-Pha RFA, Roloson-Edm RFA

Rating: 2.5

Here's the rub, Esche has essentially lost his starting job to Niitymaaki, and Roloson's best defenseman in front of him is Jason Smith. Either is a fine backup, but neither is a comfortable starter.

Overall: 17

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