
Severed Heads Press Release

Release #1: The inability of the Devils Lou Lamouriello to sign gunner Brian Gionta to a deal, figures to be a positive situation for the Severed Heads prospect Zach Parise, giving him a more prominent offensive role to fill with Gionta's ice-time up for grabs.

Release #2: The likelihood of the Devils Lou Lamouriello signing Brian Gionta to a deal bodes well for Severed Heads prospect ZachParise, as with Gionta's return Parise's offensive output should increase.

Just getting the ole PR muscles back in shape


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. "The recent International Astronomical Union's draft definition of "planet" would increase the number of planets in the solar system to 12 and potentially many, many more. Severed Heads managment feels that this will be a positive development for all their players and their players alone."

    -Severed Heads Press Release Aug 18, 2006

    "The recent rejection of the IAU draft definition of planet and the demotion of Pluto to the rank of "dwarf planet" leaves the solar system with only 8 planets. Severed Heads' management feels that this will be a positive development for all their players and their players alone."

    -Severed Heads Press Release Aug 25, 2006

  3. That's the spirit!


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