
Rule 15.x - Resolved

Thanks again to Dan for organizing the vote, and for co-ordinating the whole thing to be completed well in advance of our ED.

I'll be pulling down the links to the rule proposals (just in the side-bar, they will still be present on the blog, and you can search for them if necessary), and replacing them with 'Called Shots' so we can easily track how they are progressing.

Any other suggestions, just let me (or Dan, he has administrator access now) know and I'll see if I can't make the changes.

One other FYI - with the release of the Bible's information, and with the new clarity of our rules as to who will be available, I'll be doing an updated Top 12 Prospect List very soon. I also have my lists done (in what may well be a record time).

This off-season can't end soon enough.

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