
Ramapithicines - Offseason Review

The Ramapithicines:

L: Pyatt-Vcr P4, Rucinsky-NYR P4, Torres-Edm P4, Bouchard-Min P3, Brown-LA P2, Fedoruk-Ana P2

Rating: 2

Pyatt will likely be released as his game has never approached FUNHL ready. Rucinsky is safe late round match to remain as an RFA at LW, comfortably filling the 4th line role and maybe more. Torres will also get a shot at the team and will vie with Rucinsky for an active roster spot. Bouchard is an up and comer who could have his breakout 'I'm here to stay' season as Minny retools its offense. Justin Brown in LA is a dynamite prospect, but is likely to get converted to centre, and that will delay his impact a year. Fedoruk is a waste of time as a prospect being marginal both offensively and as a goon and with no likelihood of ever improving. There is the basis of a solid depth and a potential future star or two in Bouchard and Brown, but overall, it won't carry the mail without some ED help.

C: Lindros-Dal RFA, Rolston-Min RFA, Kraft-Pit P3, Zigomanis-StL P2

Rating: 2

Lindros will have to prove (again) that he can be an elite player. Dallas may be the perfect place to rehab his game, especially since he'll get to play out of the media spotlight that is TO. Rolston had his fluke year and will regress to being a marginal 4th liner in the FUNHL. Kraft has been a project on offense for what seems an eternity, but never gets any closer to a real points producing job in the NHL. Zigomanis has career AHL written all over him. He checks, shoots and makes plays at a level just below where he needs to be to be dressable. At least one high pick, and maybe two in the ED, and another in the PRD, will be needed to flesh out the centremen position. All hope is lost if Zhamnov is again a consideration for the knuckledraggers.

R: Afinogenov-Buf RFA, Vasicek-Car P4, Lupul-Edm P3, Nilsson-NYI P2

Rating: 2

Afinogenov had by far his best season, clocking in at just under a ppg. Freewheeling more often and more successfully than in the past, he has only to put two seasons in a row together to be a mainstay on a FUNHL scoring line. He should be a solid #2 or more ideally, 3. Vasicek got lost in the mix with the additions of Weight, Recchi, etc. and his own injury. If he bounces back it's most likely going to be a centre. He has to prove again that he can play regular minutes before he'll get another FUNHL shot. Lupul has a chance to be a regular line contributor if he shows he belongs on one of Edmonton's top lines. Nilsson hasn't fully bloomed as a talent yet, but he's close. He could be at Afinogenov's level soon, sadly, it will be for the Islanders.

D: Chara-Bos FP, Numminen-Buf RFA, Backman-StL RFA, Kuba-Tbay RFA, McCarthy-Atl P3, Phillips-Ott P3

Rating: 3

Monstrous Chara will have to show he can dominate for the Bruins the way he did for the Senators, but if he does, he's one of the top four players in the league. I think he takes a step back, and isn't the +/- threat he would have in Ottawa, but keeps his status as a first tier offensive producer (Boston will feed him gobs of ice-time), and TG. Numminen is done as a top 4 defender, but Backman is just entering his prime and could surprise with 30+. Kuba is following the Kubina path of destruction in that he doesn't have the footspeed to compete without hooking. McCarthy is still developing as an NHL calibre defenseman, but is already on his third team (Chi-Vcr-Atl) without that happening. Phillips may crack the team as a defensive defensmen or teritary goon, but is otherwise still a bubble defenseman.

G: Turco-Dal FP

Rating: 4.5

Slipped a bit as an elite goaltender, but still has the goods to be top 5. The defense corps in front of him is the real question moving forward as they have to show they have the legs to play in the new league. Another step backwards would call his value as an FP into question.

Overall: 13.5

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