
from TSN ...on more BAD LOGOs - The BuffaSlug!

Will the Sabres recover?
The new uniforms.
Oh Larry, how did this process even begin?
Buffalo Sabres fans made it very clear to you that they wanted to return to the old colours the team wore when they first came into the league. Even though we can't really blame you for wanting to jump on the ''Black Uniform Bandwagon'' that pretty much every team jumped on in the 90's and has now abandoned for the most part (except for the Toronto Blue Jays who decided to jump on the black uniform bandwagon two years ago when the fad was completely played out)
So you went with the black uniforms for a while and they really weren't that bad. Of all the teams that switched to black unis, you guys pretty much did okay.
But anyone who responded to my article on Canadian NHL Teams Uniforms agreed on one important thing about hockey fans: When it comes to our favourite team's uniforms, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You can modify it, you can tweak it, but don't make wholesale changes. That's just wrong.
Because when we, as fans, buy into a team, especially our hometown team, we buy into more than just the players, we buy into the team's identity. And uniforms are a huge part of that identity. And to fans of the Buffalo Sabres, especially ones who remember the glory days of the French Connection, the original colours and uniforms were part of that identity.
But somehow you only got it half right.
You decided to go back to the original blue and gold colour scheme, and that was good.
But for some strange, bizarre, god-forsaken, Mel Gibson after too many bourbon and cokes reason, you thought it would be a good idea not only to NOT go back to the original uniforms full time, but to... wait for it... [ABOVE]
Re-design the logo yet again.
Such a bad decision Larry. Such a bad, bad, bad decision. I guarantee you that if you had asked 10 random Buffalo Sabres fans that had been following the team for a minimum of 15 years, they would have all told you the exact same thing. The same thing New York Islander fans used to put on handmade signs when their team's logo was re-designed using the Captain Highliner Fisherman:
Yes, the old logo Larry. A team called the ''Buffalo Sabres'' that featured a buffalo and sabers in the logo! It was like hieroglyphics! So simple. So effective.
But you thought the fans would be thrilled with the combination of the classic colours and a new, re-designed logo and uniform. It will be sleek and cool! The kids will love it! Surely, you thought to yourself, this couldn't lose! I mean, what more can I say. This logo is just hilarious. The ''Buffaslug'' has now become a legendary example of bad logo design rivaling the Islanders fisherman, the Canucks ''V'' uniforms of the early 80's, and the ''Wild Wing'' Mighty Ducks original third uniforms. Someone at TSN.ca just described it as: ''the hat Fred Flintstone wears at Grand Poobah meetings''
Just how much do fans hate this design? A Sabres fan named Drew Celestino has started an online petition at http://www.fixthelogo.com/ and the last time I checked it he had over 27000 signatures. I'm sure there are a few repeat signatures, but I'm sure you've also gotten the message as well.
In fact, I'm so sure of it that now you have announced that for 15 games this upcoming season the Sabres will indeed be wearing their classic original uniforms. I know you said it was in the planning stages for a long time, but even you admitted that you moved the timetable up to appease the fans. In fact, you also recently pleaded for patience from those fans, telling them that the new uniforms weren't completely done and to wait for the finished product.
''We are still committed and enthusiastic about our new uniform and believe that fans will embrace it once they have a chance to actually see it.'' were your exact words.
Sorry Larry... I mean, what more can I say. This logo is just hilarious. The ''Buffaslug'' has now become a legendary example of bad logo design rivaling the Islanders fisherman, the Canucks ''V'' uniforms of the early 80's, and the ''Wild Wing'' Mighty Ducks original third uniforms. Someone at TSN.ca just described it as: ''the hat Fred Flintstone wears at Grand Poobah meetings''
Just how much do fans hate this design? A Sabres fan named Drew Celestino has started an online petition at http://www.fixthelogo.com/ and the last time I checked it he had over 27000 signatures. I'm sure there are a few repeat signatures, but I'm sure you've also gotten the message as well.
In fact, I'm so sure of it that now you have announced that for 15 games this upcoming season the Sabres will indeed be wearing their classic original uniforms. I know you said it was in the planning stages for a long time, but even you admitted that you moved the timetable up to appease the fans. In fact, you also recently pleaded for patience from those fans, telling them that the new uniforms weren't completely done and to wait for the finished product.
''We are still committed and enthusiastic about our new uniform and believe that fans will embrace it once they have a chance to actually see it.'' were your exact words.
Sorry Larry, but if the uniform looks anything like this:

You are in trouble.
But hope is not lost.
You can still make this right. You can still make the fans happy.
Drop the new logo.
Drop the new uniforms.
Go with the originals for all of next season. Every game.
Call a press conference to announce it, and ask Mr.Celestino and a few other hard-core fans to join you. Make jokes about ''The Slug.'' Shake a few hands. Put one of those classic uniforms on! Everybody loves someone who can laugh at themselves and their mistakes. I guarantee if you do this, you will go from ''Public Enemy Number One'' for Sabres fans to ''Number One Son'' for Sabres fans. Well, maybe ''Number Two Son'' after Rob Ray.
So what if you've spent a ton of money in development and design on the new uniforms? If those uniforms aren't going to sell all that development money will go down the tubes anyway. Better to just cut bait now. Call the manufacturers and have them stop production, and have them double or triple the orders on the originals.
Go for it Larry! This is your chance! It's not too late!
Squish ''The Slug.''
Squish it Larry.
All the best,
Jay Onrait for TSN

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Bob,

    Yes, its bad but it isn't Mighty Ducks bad.


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