
The Edge - Offseason Review

The Edge:

L: Ovechkin-Wsh FP, Elias-NJ FP

Rating: 5

Ovechkin is already as dangerous as Kovalchouk, and he's several years younger. As pure a goalscorer as exists or has existed. Elias seems to have recovered from his bout with Hepatitis. Now that he's healthy, he's returned to being lethal in his all round offensive game. There is no better one-two punch at LW in the league. Doesn't matter who the third is, this is the LW to beat.

C: Halpern-Wsh P2, Weiss-P2

Rating: 1

Halpern was a mistake as a prospect, as he is destined to be a heart and soul character forward on the third line. Weiss is just about out of time to prove he is an NHL player.

R: Lehtinen-Dal RFA, Balej-R Vcr, Perry-Ana P2, Stewart-P2

Rating: 2

Lehtinen is a solid #3 who if the season is good can be a #2. Balej is a project having broken into the league with a flash and vanished as suddenly with an injury. He's resurfaced in Vancouver where there is a chance he can get on a scoring line. Perry is the cream of the Edge prospect crop at RW. He's crafty and can score at an elite level, and if the wheels become average, he'll be a serious threat for a top line position. Stewart was supposed to be the unstoppable force, but so far, he hasn't shown the hands or points to be a high end winger. More likely is a Mike Grier role.

D: Martin-NJ P3

Rating: 1.5

Martin is a emerging blue-liner in the Wade Redden mold. He's a good bet to play in the Edge top four, with 40+ pts a possibility.

G: Legace-? RFA

Rating: 1

Still casting about for a team to call home and start for, Legace is the little goalie who almost could. Like Dwayne Roloson and Manny Fernandez in Minnesota, Legace has the ability to split a heavy load and carry his share, but has yet to prove he can do a starters job on his own.

Overall: 10.5

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