
Rule Proposal 3 - Conditial Waiver Wire Bids

A proposal to allow for conditional Waiver Wire bids. This would entail the addition of Rule 25.1:

25.1 GMs can make conditional bids for multiple players on the Waiver Wire at the same position by designating their preferred order of selection. The bid upon player is awarded on the basis of ranking of bid and then on the reverse order of standing of the Team making the bid. [Note: This means that a team in 1st place can “outbid” a team in 6th place for the rights to a player on the waiver wire if the 1st place team’s bid is their first choice while the 6th place team’s bid is their second choice.]


  1. OK - this one's messy so read my separate post on the blog...

  2. Done. And supported as clarified by Dan.

  3. 'Eh'

    Probably the least urgent proposal we have IMO.

    Abstain for now


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