
Not Hockey--Questions about Calgary

Hi all,

I'm thinking picking up a degree in Calgary ~2007/8. I've got questions that Google Maps just won't answer. Examples:

-Where is "downtown" Calgary? Is it a good place to live, or just a bunch of office towers?
-SAIT looks pretty central from a google map. Is this misleading? What kind of area is it in?
-Where is the red mile? (Hockey... drinking... topless women. Not a bad impression of a city to have.)
-What (and where) are interesting neighbourhoods to live in? (Lots of streetlife, cool stores, good breakfast places.)
-Do you need a car to live well in Calgary? (Everyone I know from Calgary seems to drive.)
-My impression of Calgary in the winter: Dark-side-of-hell freezing, except on sundays, when there's a chinook, and we all go play golf in our shorts. Is this anything like reality?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Richard;

    - Downtown Calgary is my old stomping grounds. You can definitely live there (if you can afford the rent).

    - SAIT is a very nice campus (I attended the arts college a couple of summers)

    - The red-mile is now 17th ave. Coincidentally, I used to live on either side of it. Very nice area, though not so topless women as you might think.

    - Kensington, around the Stampede and the 17th ave area are FABULOUS

    - Calgary is a car first city. But it is getting better.

    - Calgary can be extremely f%^$ing cold. But you are moving from out East where it is even colder, and by comparison Calgary will likely be mild.

    - Golf? In your shorts? My EYES! MY EYES! AAAAAHHHHHHHH


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