
FUNHL Blog question: to video or not to video?

Rob raised a concern I hadn't even thought of - that he can't access the web page because of his slow connection and the massive amnt of information that a video post requires.

Fair enough I guess, until I'm told otherwise that everyone is cool with video on our blog, I will post the video to Antiphon Rising website and then cross post a link to the FUNHL site.

If things change however, and our GMs get themselves highspeed wireless (I can't live without out now that I have it), I'll revert to posting the best hockey vids I can find.


  1. While I'd love to see the videos, I simply can't - for whatever reason - on my computer (probably some security measure).

    Until we are all able to do so though, best to keep the videos on Antiphon.

  2. I've deleted the posts with video (sigh).

    You should all be able to load the FUNHL blog on your stone-kinves-and-bearskin computers in a friendlier fashion. Given the difficulties, I will probably drop video for Antiphon as well, and go back to providing links rather than connecting the video to the blog directly. Afterall, no point in making it unreadable if I don't have to.

    Gotta keep that hitcount up!



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